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Welcome to New Jersey Surcharge Violation System (NJSVS)

GCS is not accepting surchange payments.

You can use this site to see your Surcharge Record and make a Surcharge payment.

 Drivers License Number
 Surcharge Number
 Judgment Number
 Installment Payment Plan Number
 Notice Number

    Date Of Birth :


For general surcharge related information, you can access:

Contact Information: The toll-free number to our Customer Service Center is 844-424-6829. Our Representatives are available between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Representantes que hablan español también están disponsibles desde las 8:00 de la manaña hast alas 5:00 del la noche lunes a viernes (844-424-6829). You may also use this number to automatically access individual account and payment information, obtain surcharge program information, and make credit card payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.