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Payroll Taxes and Wage Withholding: Filing, Payment, and Reporting Service
    Business Taxes

Please choose one of the following options for logging in. (Before using this service, your business must already be registered with the State of New Jersey.)
1. File New Jersey payroll tax returns, submit wage reports, and pay withholding taxes: If you use this option, you can file forms NJ927, NJ-W-3(with W-2 and 1099) and WR30, pay withholding taxes, and view information on past filings and payments. Log in using the first prompt. Enter your New Jersey taxpayer identification number* and Personal Identification Number (PIN). Your PIN is printed on the Welcome Letter you received after registering your business. If you do not know your PIN contact us.
2. File New Jersey payroll tax returns and pay withholding taxes without seeing wage reporting or historical data: This option allows you to file the NJ927 form, NJ-W-3, and pay withholding taxes only. You won't be able to submit the wage-reporting form (WR30) or view past filings and payments. Log in using the second prompt. Enter your New Jersey tax identification number* and business name.
3. Sign Up for Premier Business Services (PBS). This comprehensive account service allows you to create your own Login ID and Password to access multiple business services, including filing New Jersey tax returns and wage and corporate reports, paying taxes, and viewing information on past filings and payments.
* Your New Jersey tax identification (ID) number has 12 digits. If you have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), your New Jersey tax ID number is your FEIN followed by a three-digit suffix. If you do not have a suffix, enter three zeroes. Do not use hyphens, slashes, or other punctuation. (Example: If your FEIN is 12-3456789, enter 123456789000). If you do not have a FEIN, your New Jersey tax ID number is usually the Social Security Number of the primary business owner followed by three zeroes.
For further information on employer withholding, access the NJ Income Tax - Reporting and Remitting page.
For more on unemployment, disability or family leave insurance contributions, access the Employer Contributions (Taxes) \ page.
For details of wage reporting, access the Wage Reporting page.
NOTE: The Divisions of Employer Accounts (Labor and Workforce Development) and Taxation use information reported through this service to administer the State of New Jersey's Unemployment Compensation, Temporary Disability Benefits, and tax laws, including investigations that may lead to enforcement actions.
Additional information, including alternate ways to file, can be found in the NJ-WT, New Jersey Income Tax Withholding Instructions.

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Taxpayer ID:   
Taxpayer ID:   
Official Business Name:   
You Can File & Pay Using Premier Business Services

If you are not required to register for payroll tax, you can file Forms 1099 and W2 here.


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